Albuquerque, NM asian restaurants & food

Fareast Fuzion

Asian Restaurant

5901 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
(505) 255-2910
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.5 / 5 based on 4 votes


  • Fareast Fuzion photo by Jessica
  • Fareast Fuzion photo by Jessica
  • Fareast Fuzion photo by Jessica
  • Fareast Fuzion photo by Jessica
  • Fareast Fuzion photo by Jessica
The crab wontons and calamari are both very good. Sushi... 2 things to try : salt and pepper squid (not on menu but ask!) and for dessert try... Teriyaki bowls are quick, inexpensive and a good choice to...

Reviews: 1

  • Emily Thomas