Montgomery, AL asian restaurants & food

Noodles Cafe

Thai Restaurant, Noodle House

8123 Vaughn Rd, Montgomery, AL 36116
(334) 517-1179
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.1 / 5 based on 4 votes


  • Noodles Cafe photo by Richo Boyd
  • Noodles Cafe photo by Olivia Lee
  • Noodles Cafe photo by Tim Griggs
  • Noodles Cafe photo by Lemuel G.
  • Noodles Cafe photo by Kelley
... good and so are the crispy rolls. All the soups that I've tried have been... The Masaman dish is a great curry for people who don't... Awesome Padthai !!

Reviews: 1

  • Trey N.