Wichita, KS asian restaurants & food

Chiang MAI Thai Restaurant

Thai Restaurant

3141 S Hillside St, Wichita, KS 67216
(316) 652-8910
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 14 votes


  • Chiang MAI Thai Restaurant photo by Patricia Cattaro
  • Chiang MAI Thai Restaurant photo by Patricia Cattaro
  • Chiang MAI Thai Restaurant photo by Bolorchimeg Jargalsaikhan
  • Chiang MAI Thai Restaurant photo by Darrin Hackney
  • Chiang MAI Thai Restaurant photo by Monica Morris
... I've found to have Khao Soi on the menu Panang Curry Great pineapple fried rice. Wonderful curry. A little off the beaten...

Reviews: 1

  • PhraChai J.