Tulsa, OK asian restaurants & food

Binh-Le Vietnamese Restaurant

Vietnamese Restaurant

5903 E 31st St, Tulsa, OK 74135
(918) 835-7722
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.0 / 5 based on 10 votes


  • Binh-Le Vietnamese Restaurant photo by Mandy Winton
  • Binh-Le Vietnamese Restaurant photo by Mandy Winton
  • Binh-Le Vietnamese Restaurant photo by Zac Zeltner
  • Binh-Le Vietnamese Restaurant photo by Matt J.
  • Binh-Le Vietnamese Restaurant photo by Jory C.
Binh Le has the best Bun Cha Gao in town as far as I'm concerned. The Pho is... Ordered the Deluxe Bun Cha Gao & imperial rolls. Not... The imperial rolls are highly recommended. The Vietnamese coffee...

Reviews: 1

  • Matt Campbell