Springfield, MA asian restaurants & food

Pho Saigon Restaurant

Vietnamese Restaurant

398 Dickinson St, Springfield, MA 01108
(413) 781-4488
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 43 votes


  • Pho Saigon Restaurant photo by Danielle T.
  • Pho Saigon Restaurant photo by Crystal C.
  • Pho Saigon Restaurant photo by Dishcrawl Pioneer Valley ~ Jenn I.
  • Pho Saigon Restaurant photo by Dishcrawl Pioneer Valley ~ Jenn I.
  • Pho Saigon Restaurant photo by Maria
Pho dac biet! Delicious. 13 rare beef is the standard. Do it up. Try the shaking beef or the sizzling catfish--wonderful place to...

Reviews: 1

  • Ariel