Somerville, MA asian restaurants & food

Palm Sugar Thai Cuisine

Thai Restaurant

195 Elm St, Somerville, MA 02144
(617) 718-1759
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.5 / 5 based on 26 votes


  • Palm Sugar Thai Cuisine photo by Ryan Evans
  • Palm Sugar Thai Cuisine photo by Dan S.
  • Palm Sugar Thai Cuisine photo by Justin
  • Palm Sugar Thai Cuisine photo by Richard T.
  • Palm Sugar Thai Cuisine photo by Owen W.
... wrong with the Spicy Basil Fried Rice or the Drunken Noodle dish followed by the... The lunch boxes are delicious and a real value at 8 bucks! Can't go wrong with the Spicy Basil Fried Rice or the Drunken Noodle dish...

Reviews: 1

  • Dan M.