Little Rock, AR asian restaurants & food

Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine

Indian Restaurant

1520 Market St, Little Rock, AR 72211
(501) 520-4900
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 14 votes


  • Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine photo by Sheridan Essman Posey
  • Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine photo by Chris N.
  • Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine photo by Omar A.
  • Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine photo by Janie K.
  • Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine photo by Arun P.
Butter chicken and naan. So good! Aloo tikki pretty... ... space for the mango kulfi and mango mousse. Loved the service too. If... The assorted naan basket and spicy vegetable korma. Bet.

Reviews: 1

  • Laphon J.