Honolulu, HI asian restaurants & food

Wing Loy Market


1036 Maunakea St, Honolulu, HI 96817
(808) 523-5464
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 3.5 / 5 based on 7 votes


  • Wing Loy Market photo by Greg
  • Wing Loy Market photo by Harry C.
  • Wing Loy Market photo by Harry C.
  • Wing Loy Market photo by Harry C.
  • Wing Loy Market photo by chrisq
... 2. Shoyu Chicken 3. Char Siu 4. Roast Duck. 5. Tripe 6. Everything else:... ... out of the oven.2. The Roast Duck and Roast Chicken are excellent. Ask for a... ... Siu 4. Roast Duck. 5. Tripe 6. Everything else: Pig Stomach, Chicken...

Reviews: 1

  • Harry C.