Honolulu, HI asian restaurants & food

Sushi Bistro Shun

Asian Restaurant, Japanese Restaurant, Sushi Restaurant

1914 S King St, Honolulu, HI 96826
(808) 941-1333
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 45 votes


  • Sushi Bistro Shun photo by Antoni Akagi
  • Sushi Bistro Shun photo by Jocelyn C.
  • Sushi Bistro Shun photo by Stephanie L.
  • Sushi Bistro Shun photo by Lisa S.
  • Sushi Bistro Shun photo by zhiyu z.
The fried flounder and the tempura ice cream are must trys! All you can eat shabu shabu for $28!

Reviews: 1

  • Choak O.