Honolulu, HI asian restaurants & food

Mana Bu's

Asian Restaurant, Japanese Restaurant

1618 S King St, Honolulu, HI 96826
(808) 358-0287
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.5 / 5 based on 183 votes


  • Mana Bu's photo by Vy
  • Mana Bu's photo by James G.
  • Mana Bu's photo by Malia H
  • Mana Bu's photo by Malia H
  • Mana Bu's photo by Malia H
Go early before da food runs out Mentaiko Tuna Mayo is the sh!t :P The musubis taste really... ... for Spam sushi. The Musubi at Mana Bu's combines two of the island's...

Reviews: 1

  • VH07V A.