Frederick, MD asian restaurants & food

Viet's Aroma

Vietnamese Restaurant

440 Prospect Blvd, Frederick, MD 21703
(240) 379-6716
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 29 votes


  • Viet's Aroma photo by Charla Payne
  • Viet's Aroma photo by Charla Payne
  • Viet's Aroma photo by Sarah
  • Viet's Aroma photo by Caitlin D.
  • Viet's Aroma photo by Mahmud F.
... good. However, the bean sprouts and Thai basil were lacking in freshness. some of the best pho i've ever had! ... the bean sprouts and Thai basil were lacking in freshness.

Reviews: 1

  • Bill A.