Fairfax, VA asian restaurants & food

Pho Thang Long

Vietnamese Restaurant, Asian Restaurant, Noodle House

3071 Nutley St, Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 208-9679

Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 82 votes


  • Pho Thang Long photo by LanChi Nguyen
  • Pho Thang Long photo by LanChi Nguyen
  • Pho Thang Long photo by Michael Kiernan
  • Pho Thang Long photo by Nini Bradley
  • Pho Thang Long photo by Robert U
Coconut bubble tea! Period! The crispy spring rolls won't dissapoint! Get the bun grilled pork with egg roll... Best thing on the menu.

Reviews: 1

  • Colin E.