Dinuba, CA asian restaurants & food

Pho Saigon Garden

Vietnamese Restaurant

1401 W El Monte way, Dinuba, CA 93618
(559) 591-5013
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.3 / 5 based on 10 votes


  • Pho Saigon Garden photo by Natalia G.
  • Pho Saigon Garden photo by Fhammela Z.
  • Pho Saigon Garden photo by Connie W.
  • Pho Saigon Garden photo by Dall nd D.
  • Pho Saigon Garden photo by Dall nd D.
Dac Biet numma one is the way to go!! Pineapple fried rice was flavorful. Thai tea was cold and... ... rice was flavorful. Thai tea was cold and refreshing.

Reviews: 1

  • Vanessa