Cedar Park, TX asian restaurants & food

King Noodle Vietnamese Noodle and Sushi Restaurant


500 Cypress Creek Rd., Cedar Park, TX 78613
(512) 219-0006
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 2.5 / 5 based on 38 votes


  • King Noodle Vietnamese Noodle and Sushi Restaurant photo by Mark Toussaint
  • King Noodle Vietnamese Noodle and Sushi Restaurant photo by Tina Romero
  • King Noodle Vietnamese Noodle and Sushi Restaurant photo by Tina Romero
  • King Noodle Vietnamese Noodle and Sushi Restaurant photo by Brian
  • King Noodle Vietnamese Noodle and Sushi Restaurant photo by Robert Martinez
Las Vegas roll is amazing. Really good soups too.

Reviews: 1

  • Stephanie A.