Boston, MA asian restaurants & food

Quic Pic BBQ

Chinese Restaurant

50 Beach St (Harrison Ave & Tyler St), Boston, MA 02111
(617) 426-1110
Excellent Good Average Poor Awful 4.0 / 5 based on 32 votes


  • Quic Pic BBQ photo by Rainy Zhang
  • Quic Pic BBQ photo by Rainy Zhang
  • Quic Pic BBQ photo by Anand Somasundaram
  • Quic Pic BBQ photo by Pitcha P.
  • Quic Pic BBQ photo by Joslin D.
Go for the roasted duck, roasted pork or charsiew. Skip the soy... ... soup with crispy and roast pork. Lunch of champions! Try the salted chicken, roasted pork, and crispy pork!

Reviews: 1

  • Jonathan Y